Story Engineering

21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 3)

Continuing on from yesterday with the final seven reasons why you should write lots of fiction, as quickly as possible. 15.  You improve faster. I’ve actually seen this idea phrased as “fail faster”, but there’s really no such thing as “failure” in writing, unless failure is used as a euphemism for quitting.  There are books […]

21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 3) Read More »

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed

Back in July, Rob asked me in comments: The place I currently get hung up when it comes to being more prolific is the plotting/planning stage. I can write fairly quickly and cleanly, but it takes me a while to plot out a new book, especially if it’s the first in a new series. All

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed Read More »

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