Technology, Tools & AI

Here’s an offer worth snatching up.

I very much resent SAAS (Software as a Service) products, these days, even though I’m chained to using two of them.

Microsoft 365 and Adobe Acrobat, since you ask. I just can’t get away from them. Similar products (Open Office, Google Office, and many PDF makers) just don’t offer the same features that I consider essential and use on a regular basis.

But I keep a watchful eye on potential contenders, all the same.

Here’s an offer worth snatching up. Read More »

Why UX Will be the Critical Factor for Indies in the Years Ahead

I try to avoid making predictions about where the indie publishing world will go in the future.  I’ve seen futurists get things very wrong indeed, because some disruptive factor they could not possibly have predicted comes along to blow everyone’s expectations out of the water. AI-anything has done that to us in the last year

Why UX Will be the Critical Factor for Indies in the Years Ahead Read More »

The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part II

This is a two-part post.  Part 1.  Part II. _________________ Last week, I talked about the benefits of keeping notebooks.  This week, I’m looking at whether you should even bother keeping notebooks, this day and age. First up, the arguments against notebooks.  Why you shouldn’t keep notebooks. Clutter Bins Steve Pavlina, a long-time lifestyle blogger,

The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part II Read More »

The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part I

This is a two-part post.  Part 1.  Part II. _________________ Lately, I’ve come across a few separate opinions on the worth of notebooks for writers that I found interesting.  They made me reflect upon the usefulness of notebooks for writers in this hyper-connected, fast-progressing and digitized era. What are notebooks for writers? It might seem

The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part I Read More »

Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian!

Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian! Because I CAN Listen. A while ago, I wrote about my disappointing live trial of Notion, and how I happily returned to OneNote. Buried in the text as a throwaway line was the fact that I did try to use Obsidian, but found it counter-intuitive and too difficult to quickly

Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian! Read More »

If You’ve Ever Said “I wish I’d bought even a single BitCoin when they were first issued….”

This might be another of those moments 2007 was the year Amazon released their first Kindle eReader, and indie publishing took a light-year’s leap forward. I’ve often wondered if I would be any more successful if I’d jumped into indie publishing in 2007, rather than waiting another four years to commit. If you’ve ever said anything

If You’ve Ever Said “I wish I’d bought even a single BitCoin when they were first issued….” Read More »

And Now…AI Artwork. What Does This Mean For Indie Publishing?

And Now…AI Artwork. What Does This Mean For Indie Publishing? Actually, for all graphic work, everywhere? Earlier this month, Cosmopolitan released a digital issue of their magazine that included an AI-designed cover. At the time of writing this, I could not find the issue for sale anywhere, but found multiple articles on the building of

And Now…AI Artwork. What Does This Mean For Indie Publishing? Read More »

One More Reason To Be A Prolific Writer

One More Reason To Be A Prolific Writer And why this one will be critical in the future No matter what you write, writing a lot comes with benefits. Authors like Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush make excellent cases for writing quantities of non-fiction.  I’ve spent years and written dozens of posts exploring the benefits

One More Reason To Be A Prolific Writer Read More »

Google Has Made a Brilliant Strategic Move

Google Has Made a Brilliant Strategic Move Why Indie Authors Should Capitalize on It In late April this year, Google Play Books announced the launch of an AI Narrated Audiobook beta program for indie authors and publishers using their retail platform. There’s a few conditions attached. Surprisingly few. It was an incredibly smart move. Here’s why.

Google Has Made a Brilliant Strategic Move Read More »

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