This might be another of those moments

2007 was the year Amazon released their first Kindle eReader, and indie publishing took a light-year’s leap forward. I’ve often wondered if I would be any more successful if I’d jumped into indie publishing in 2007, rather than waiting another four years to commit.
If you’ve ever said anything similar yourself (“I wish I’d bought even just one Bitcoin when they first came out!”), then pause to weigh your options.
The Google AI Narration program is in beta phase. It’s possible that as the program matures, they will start charging authors to use it. It is certain that changes to the program will be made.
If you have a very large backlist of titles published in ebook, now is the time to get into the program. There is absolutely nothing to lose, except a little of your time.
Find out more about Google’s smart play in “Google Has Made a Brilliant Strategic Move”