
How To Deal with Overwhelm – 2022 Edition – Part 2

This is Part Two of a post. Part One is here. Last week we looked at the reasons why Overwhelm can dump on you, usually appearing out of the blue.  This week, some tactics and strategies to deal with Overwhelm. The key:  Regain control. If you’re already at the point of overwhelm, then you don’t […]

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How To Deal with Overwhelm – 2022 Edition – Part 1

This is an update of the March 4, 2018 post. The updated Part 2 of this post is here. —- While technically an update, this post—on one of the more important topics on the site—also reflects the challenges of our current times. As a result, I had to split the post into two parts.  Oh,

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Don’t Wait for A Crisis To Figure Out Your Priorities

I’ve spent years obsessing over balancing my work and the rest of my life.  All the media reports convinced me many years ago that having a life is actually, you know, important. But I love writing.  And I have way too many stories in my head.  The idea of slowing down and not writing all

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How to Set Up Your Writing Schedule, Kill Stress and Get Things Done

How do you decide when you’re going to write? Do you move through your day, hoping time will magically open up when you can sit and scribble a few hundred words on your current manuscript? Do you get to the end of your day and feel frustrated, because you never opened the manuscript at all?

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