Discipline & Motivation

Two Modes of Self-Awareness: Your Key to Unlocking Creativity

Let’s talk about something super important: self-awareness. Being aware of what’s happening in your mind is a powerful tool that can help you grow as a writer. It’s about noticing your thoughts, feelings, and reactions without judgment. This kind of self-awareness can guide you to make better decisions, improve your craft, and stay motivated. For […]

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Change Your Story, Change Your Writing Life

Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “I’ll never sell,” or “I’m not talented enough”? If so, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, doubting our abilities and waiting for some magical moment when we finally get chosen. But guess what? That thinking is backward! If we believe that it’s not our turn, that we’re not

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A New Type of Sprint! — Graduated Word Sprints.

One of the most-visited posts on this site is “5 Types Of Writing Sprints – And Why You Need This Tool“, with “Tailor Writing Sprints to Maximize Flow” a close second, along with “Increasing Your Hourly Word Rate“. They all deal with word sprints. Word Sprints are exactly what they sound like. Writing at maximum

A New Type of Sprint! — Graduated Word Sprints. Read More »

The Definitive “Just Start” Strategy To Get You Writing.

Just Starting is a way around procrastinating, a way to make yourself write when you should. I mention “Just Start” a lot because it works.  It is one of my most effective…tools.  Hacks.  Tactics.  I’ve spoken about it here, here, and here, and more indirectly in many other posts on The Productive Indie Fiction Writer.

The Definitive “Just Start” Strategy To Get You Writing. Read More »

I am a perfect machine. My self-discipline is extraordinary.

I had an interesting chat with an author the other day. They said, in part, “I’m not sure if I’m relieved or worried that an author as advanced as you still brings up the fact that she also has problems with this self-discipline thing.” This was in response to my post about self-discipline. I was

I am a perfect machine. My self-discipline is extraordinary. Read More »

Learn to Love Writing, Not “Having Written”

This is an old adage, but I wanted to circle back to it today, because it’s the beginning of the year, and we’re getting close to the point where most New Year’s Resolutions drop off a cliff. (Generally, that’s somewhere in February.) White knuckling your way through writing sessions, just hanging in there until you

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Let’s Pull Self-Discipline Off the Garbage Heap

I’ve had a long-running, on-again-off-again affair with self-discipline. I admire the iron discipline of dancers, and would love to have that sort of discipline myself. I’ve been working on it all my life. “Success” methodologies have been around since Victorian times, but my first introduction to the idea of creating one’s own success was in

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What to Do with Your Story Now NaNoWriMo is Done

Did you enter NaNoWriMo this year? Did you win?  Congratulations! What is NaNoWriMo? If you haven’t heard of this annual competition before, let me explain quickly; Every November, writers can set themselves the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of the month. NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month. The novel

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