Work Processes

A Henry Ford Efficiency You Can Use to Save Time

One of my very first jobs, after I left high school, was data entry.  Thirty of us would punch in numbers from thousands of sheets of engineering reports that had been collected for a month, from across the state. Granted, these days, those same engineers would be punching in their own data on a mobile […]

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A Productive Indie Book!

A Productive Indie Book! Last month, I took a bit of a break, and also mentioned that I was working on something that I would tell you about soon. As the image, above, has probably told you, that something is the first PIFW book. I’ve been getting back to a more productive writing schedule, and

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How to Get Back to Writing when Life Has Completely Derailed You

Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Katherine Rusch call life derailing events “life rolls”.   It’s a useful name for a whole host of troubles:   Sickness, death of loved ones, disasters, accidents, divorces, getting fired…  We’re writers of fiction; we can easily imagine what life rolls might look like. When you’re hit by a serious life roll,

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Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian!

Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian! Because I CAN Listen. A while ago, I wrote about my disappointing live trial of Notion, and how I happily returned to OneNote. Buried in the text as a throwaway line was the fact that I did try to use Obsidian, but found it counter-intuitive and too difficult to quickly

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How to Prep Your Microsoft Word files for flawless ebook conversions

Following these suggestions will give you a “clean” MS Word file that compiles to ePub and Mobi without mysterious blank pages and extra lines in it, and with chapter headings properly formatted.  If you use compilers such as Jutoh, Atticus or Vellum, the clean file will also reduce bad results when you import to those

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