
Purpose-Driven Reading

Following up on last week’s post about finding more time to read.  Once you’ve got back to reading for pleasure, which is key, you’ll quickly come across “other” reading.  Call this purpose-driven reading.  For example; While videos aren’t “reading” per se, they can be treated in the same way as reading for the sake of […]

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Marginalia and the Fiction Author

The idea of marginalia (notes written in the margins of a print book) will either make you recoil in horror, or nod sagely because you’re already a compulsive note-taker. This excerpt from Mortimer Adler’s How To Read A Book is worth your consideration: When you buy a book, you establish a property right in it,

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The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part II

This is a two-part post.  Part 1.  Part II. _________________ Last week, I talked about the benefits of keeping notebooks.  This week, I’m looking at whether you should even bother keeping notebooks, this day and age. First up, the arguments against notebooks.  Why you shouldn’t keep notebooks. Clutter Bins Steve Pavlina, a long-time lifestyle blogger,

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The Case For and Against Keeping Notebooks, Part I

This is a two-part post.  Part 1.  Part II. _________________ Lately, I’ve come across a few separate opinions on the worth of notebooks for writers that I found interesting.  They made me reflect upon the usefulness of notebooks for writers in this hyper-connected, fast-progressing and digitized era. What are notebooks for writers? It might seem

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Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian!

Okay, Already, I’ll Try Obsidian! Because I CAN Listen. A while ago, I wrote about my disappointing live trial of Notion, and how I happily returned to OneNote. Buried in the text as a throwaway line was the fact that I did try to use Obsidian, but found it counter-intuitive and too difficult to quickly

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I Used Notion For A Week. 8 Reasons I Switched Back To OneNote

I Used Notion For A Week. 8 Reasons I Switched Back To OneNote Do you want a multitool or a notebook? If you’re shopping for a new notebook app, read on. You might find this breakdown illuminating, for this covers the nitty-gritty of using both Notion and OneNote (Desktop 2016 version). Notebooks are essential tools

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