Publishing & Production

Why Now Is the Best Time to Be an Indie Fiction Writer

Jane Freidman, at her blog just a few days ago, wrote a post, “Like It or Not, Publishers Are Licensing Books for AI Training—And Using AI Themselves.”

The post is a refreshingly blunt take on how AI is settling into the publishing industry. I will leave it to Jane to explain how, even for indie authors, there is new money to made from the AI phenomenon, if you’re smart and wrangle your contracts.

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Cleaning Up Your Manuscript for The Best Formatting Results

Slightly off the beaten track today. At Stories Rule Press, we offer a formatting service to authors: Give us your manuscript and we will produce validated ePub and Mobi files that you can upload to the retail sites without issue. We’ll also do print layouts. But recently there’s been a rash of manuscripts come in

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A Productive Indie Book!

A Productive Indie Book! Last month, I took a bit of a break, and also mentioned that I was working on something that I would tell you about soon. As the image, above, has probably told you, that something is the first PIFW book. I’ve been getting back to a more productive writing schedule, and

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Is Complexity Bias Stopping You From Publishing (More)?

Is Complexity Bias Stopping You From Publishing (More)? I get a lot of emails, and I see a lot of posts on author groups from new indie authors, or authors going indie for the first time, or authors who are going wide for the first time, implying or flat-out stating that indie publishing is incredibly

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What is an Author Platform and Why You Need The Best You Can Build

I’ve referred to author platform a lot on this blog.  Especially lately, with the industry in such a state of churn and evolution. But I’ve never properly defined what an author platform is. So today, let’s nail down exactly what I mean by “author platform”, and pull together all the reasons why you need to

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You Can’t Afford to Ignore Crowdfunding

Last year, Fantasy author Brandon Sanderson ran a Kickstarter project that raised $42 million USD. $42 million is a very nice payday, but it’s an outlier, not a common outcome of publishing Kickstarter projects. However, Brandon Sanderson’s success drew attention to crowd funding in a way that made most of the indie publishing industry sit

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