A Productive Indie Book!

Last month, I took a bit of a break, and also mentioned that I was working on something that I would tell you about soon.
As the image, above, has probably told you, that something is the first PIFW book.
I’ve been getting back to a more productive writing schedule, and while I was at it, I wrote a book about productivity and writing more–the general themes I tend to pound upon here on The Productive Indie Fiction Writer.
Here is the core of the table of contents:
Introduction: It’s time to stop the madness
About You.
Section I: Writing More
The Power of Prolificacy: Why Writing More Matters
Backlist is Holy
Does Writing Fast = Crap?
Build a Writing Routine You Can Stick To
Keep Word Count Logs
How to Build A Workable, Useful Production Schedule
Using your production schedule and writing schedule.
Procrastination, Resistance and Ducking The Writing
Textual Shorthand For Manuscripts, or: Do NOT Click Away!
Resenting the Schedule
5 More Powerful Strategies to Defeat Resistance
Anyone Can Write Faster. Even You.
How to Juggle Your Production Schedule So You’re Never Bored.
The Flip Side To Beating Resistance.
Hitting the Mattresses
Watch, thou, for thy mutant voice!
Section II: Thriving In the Indie Publishing World
5 Types Of Writing Sprints – And Why You Need This Tool
Managing The Tsunami Of Information
Direct Sales Is a Tactic For the Productive Writer
Should You Use Multiple Pen Names?
The Power Of Short Stories
Write Short
Handling The Costs of Writing Lots of Books
Writing in Series
Backlist Maintenance
9 High Level Hacks to Preserve Your Indie Revenue in Our Current Hard Times
Why Being Productive And Prolific Pays Off In The Long Term
The Last Remaining Temptation Of Indie Authors
Section III: Living Well
Why “Live Well”?
Re-energize Your Writing In Just One Step
Dealing with Discouragement
Don’t Look Down!
Why You Might Want to Start Moving More
How To Deal with Overwhelm
Is It Really Burnout?
The Case for Writing Less
Slowing…but not stopping.
Where Next?
Final thoughts
Appendix: Recommended Resources
If you’ve been reading this site for a while, I’m sure you recognize many of the titles in the content table. I did pull a lot of material from the site, but while I was at it, I updated, edited, culled and rearranged a lot of the post material, so that it’s relevant for the current state of the indie publishing industry. It’s also presented in a cohesive order so that you can work through the book and arrive at the end with a production and writing schedule you can live with.
There’s also a lot of new material added to the base information.
If you prefer to have your material presented all in one, instead of bouncing from post to post, you’ll find the book invaluable.
If you want to be more productive and get a grip on your writing career, you’ll love it.
The Productive Indie Fiction Writer
Strategies for Writing More, Earning More, and Living Well
Proven tactics from an author of 200+ fiction titles.
Is your indie writing business overwhelming you? Are you flailing, looking for the way to increase your revenue?
Are you constantly buying courses, watching webinars and wondering how to get ahead?
There is so much information available for indies that, often, we don’t know where to start or who to trust.
Dip into The Productive Indie Fiction Writer and learn how to deal with everything that comes at you on a daily basis. Get back control of your writing career not by adopting yet another system, or buying yet another expensive technological solution, but by going back to basics.
Get organized. Get a handle on your writing business…and your life.
Writing, Research & Publishing Guides | Publishing & Books | Authorship
The Productive Indie Fiction Writer is available for pre-order on all retail stores, including mine.
It will release on Stories Rule Press (my store) on September 28, 2023, and everywhere else on December 28, 2023.