Dean Wesley Smith

How to Get Back to Writing when Life Has Completely Derailed You

Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Katherine Rusch call life derailing events “life rolls”.   It’s a useful name for a whole host of troubles:   Sickness, death of loved ones, disasters, accidents, divorces, getting fired…  We’re writers of fiction; we can easily imagine what life rolls might look like. When you’re hit by a serious life roll, […]

How to Get Back to Writing when Life Has Completely Derailed You Read More »

Weekly Log – December 5, 2017

I can’t begin this productivity experiment in earnest until after Christmas, because I was gung-ho and recklessly promised (to myself) to handmake as many Christmas gifts this year as possible. I’m on track to a 90% success rate, but the downside of artisanal gifts is that they take time. In other words, all my spare time

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