
Index Card & Notepad Hacks To Keep You Focused

One of the most powerful techniques for increasing your word count is, simply, don’t click away. Avoid as much as you can alt+tabbing or clicking away from your manuscript.  Interruptions chew up time, throw you out of flow and have the potential to divert you completely away from your story. BUT Particularly when you first start […]

Index Card & Notepad Hacks To Keep You Focused Read More »

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed – Part Two

In the last part of this post we covered the brainstorming part of plotting, where you capture everything you know, then fill in the blanks, amalgamate, then drop all that information into your favourite story structure. This post, we sort that amorphous blob of information into a well-developed story outline that will speed your writing

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed – Part Two Read More »

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed

Back in July, Rob asked me in comments: The place I currently get hung up when it comes to being more prolific is the plotting/planning stage. I can write fairly quickly and cleanly, but it takes me a while to plot out a new book, especially if it’s the first in a new series. All

How To Formalize And Speed Up Your Plotting And Outlining, So You’re Finishing Novels At Top Speed Read More »

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