
Why UX Will be the Critical Factor for Indies in the Years Ahead

I try to avoid making predictions about where the indie publishing world will go in the future.  I’ve seen futurists get things very wrong indeed, because some disruptive factor they could not possibly have predicted comes along to blow everyone’s expectations out of the water. AI-anything has done that to us in the last year […]

Why UX Will be the Critical Factor for Indies in the Years Ahead Read More »

Is Complexity Bias Stopping You From Publishing (More)?

Is Complexity Bias Stopping You From Publishing (More)? I get a lot of emails, and I see a lot of posts on author groups from new indie authors, or authors going indie for the first time, or authors who are going wide for the first time, implying or flat-out stating that indie publishing is incredibly

Is Complexity Bias Stopping You From Publishing (More)? Read More »

What is an Author Platform and Why You Need The Best You Can Build

I’ve referred to author platform a lot on this blog.  Especially lately, with the industry in such a state of churn and evolution. But I’ve never properly defined what an author platform is. So today, let’s nail down exactly what I mean by “author platform”, and pull together all the reasons why you need to

What is an Author Platform and Why You Need The Best You Can Build Read More »

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