traditional publishing

The Lure of Traditional Publishing

If you’ve never been traditionally published, it can look downright seductive. Like that mysterious, jaded blues singer in a smoky dive bar who has everyone mesmerized, it all seems so magical—until the lights come up and you realize the spell is broken, and so is the illusion.

I’ve been traditionally published. And most of the time, I will say “never again!” and mean it down to my very bones.

But, every once in a while, I’ve wondered if writing a “throwaway” book for a traditional publisher might score me some of the last remaining perks of that world.

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Why Now Is the Best Time to Be an Indie Fiction Writer

Jane Freidman, at her blog just a few days ago, wrote a post, “Like It or Not, Publishers Are Licensing Books for AI Training—And Using AI Themselves.”

The post is a refreshingly blunt take on how AI is settling into the publishing industry. I will leave it to Jane to explain how, even for indie authors, there is new money to made from the AI phenomenon, if you’re smart and wrangle your contracts.

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Why “Write More”? – 2021 Edition

Continuing the series of look-back-and-review posts, rebuilding the original definitions and “whys” I posted when I first started this blog, four years ago…because so much has changed since then! Today, I’m looking at the original post; ‘Why “Write More”?’, which I originally posted here on January 5th, 2018. ——– We’re moving toward the end of

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Why “Indie”?

The short answer is, because traditional authors are so hamstrung by their contracts that writing anything more than their permitted one book a year is a waste of time. Of course, the reality is more nuanced than that. I have been traditionally published and know that world a little. On the other hand, I have

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