Embrace the chaos of creativity.

A thought that coagulated amongst the craziness of building a new publishing business, while also building a website, while also taking nearly 200 books out of KU and re-releasing them with all booksellers…oh, and maintaining my writing and release schedule: Resist the need for a perfectly cleared off desk. Writing in the midst of chaos, […]

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Try Writing Two Stories At Once

Not in the same instance, of course.  But simultaneously across days or weeks. If you find it difficult getting just one story done, you’re probably thinking I’m crazy. A couple of weeks ago, I would have agreed with you. However, in the recent big shake up around here, my schedule also got shaken up to

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And Now for Something Completely Different.

Brace yourselves. This is a post that is only indirectly related to productivity, but I am sure that as indie fiction writers, you’ll be interested in this. I’ve been hinting and referencing all the heavy duty work I’ve been doing the last few weeks, and now I can point to something solid and say “there,

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The Perfect Conditions to Write Don’t Exist

It feels like my creative brain invents a new way to ease me away from writing every time I identity the last super-sneaky version. I uncovered another mental habit keeping me from writing, the last few weeks, that you might be dealing with yourself. I’ve been deluged with administration stuff lately, with the work of

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A Simple Method to Figure Out If You Should Go Wide or Go KU

  The debate over whether indie authors should go “wide” (all retailers, everywhere) or KU (exclusive to Amazon and subscribed to the Kindle Unlimited program) rages even more heavily these days. I’ve recently had experience with both sides of the fence, and wrote about it for Hidden Gems Books.   The post appeared on their blog

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What To Do About That Thing You’re “Supposed” To Be Doing.

Mark Coker at Smashwords just put out a mid-year set of predictions for the “post-pandemic” publishing world.  I feel he’s maybe a little premature, as I suspect the pandemic will be around for most of this year—we’re still to be hit with the second wave (which is just starting up in China). But the post

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How Really Long Writing Sessions Benefit Your Writing

Most of us are time crunched, and squeeze in 30 minute or one hour writing dashes one or more times a day, getting books written in increments. And this is absolutely a fantastic way to write in the cracks and margins of you day and still have a life. But. There are some serious side

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How To Use Tiny Habits To Make Yourself Write, Every Single Time.

  As you can imagine, I read a lot of productivity books.  Every month, more of them pop up.  And over the last year or so I’ve noticed a trend in the common philosophy of many of them. It is the tiny habit approach to productivity.  And I can’t tell you how much that trend

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