Stoicism & Perspective

Why “Live Well”? – 2021 Edition

Why “Live Well”? – 2021 Edition This is the last of the “rebuilt” posts from 2017/2018, and also the last of the Definition posts.  It’s a hybrid, because the original post was built from two different sources.  I’ve amalgamated those sources instead of simply referring to them. ———– One of the things that happened recently […]

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Why “Fiction”? – 2021 Edition

I’m updating the original posts in this site, to reflect some of the massive changes we authors have faced in the last four years. Today I’m looking at ‘Why “Fiction”?’, which was published in December 2017 and can be found here on the site. —- From the original post: A non-fiction author’s sustainable writing practice

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Squeezing Everything Into Your Life, And Writing, Too.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the first part of this post, “Don’t Wait for A Crisis To Figure Out Your Priorities”, and ended it with: “Will your overall word output take a hit from trying to squeeze all these necessities into your life? Yes and no. Next week, I will talk more about

Squeezing Everything Into Your Life, And Writing, Too. Read More »

Don’t Wait for A Crisis To Figure Out Your Priorities

I’ve spent years obsessing over balancing my work and the rest of my life.  All the media reports convinced me many years ago that having a life is actually, you know, important. But I love writing.  And I have way too many stories in my head.  The idea of slowing down and not writing all

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Is The Indie Fiction Market Over-saturated?

A writer friend of mine asked me this question a few weeks ago, and I found myself answering in great detail.  Just in case you were wondering the same thing, here’s my (modified for public access) answer. —- Is the indie fiction market oversaturated?  If you look at the whole publishing industry as a monolithic

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