David Allen

Why “Writer”? – 2021 Edition

Following on in the revision series, where I’m examining all the original posts on the PIFW site and bringing them up to date, so they reflect the current state of the indie publishing scene.  Today, I’m reviewing ‘Why “Writer”?’, which first appeared on January 5, 2018. Productivity concerns are not the exclusive province of writers,

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How Shiny Objects Derail You Despite Your Best Intentions

One of the most basic, most quoted tenets of productivity, one engraved into our brains, is “avoid distractions”. Only, that isn’t taking it nearly far enough — something I (re)learned this week…finally. I don’t know about you, but when I read or hear a version of “avoid distractions”, I tend to slide over the statement

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Why “Writer”?

Productivity concerns are not the exclusive province of writers, although we tend to agonize over such matters because we’re self-employed and have no one to prod us back to work when we wander off-track. We’re also creatively effective at procrastinating ourselves into the ground. I could have made this blog about productivity for everyone in

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