
Don’t Let Your Routine Become a Straitjacket.

Ryan Holiday has a post, “How Your Daily Routine Can Turn Into Your Biggest Enemy“, where he talks about how routines and rituals can make you fragile and easy to throw off-kilter–all of which is true. His solution is to have routines, not just a routine.  If you prefer to write in silence, but they’re […]

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A More Deadly Weapon Against Distractions

Just a quick post this week.  I’m getting back into the working groove and suddenly becoming (re)aware of the plethora of distractions that can lure you away from your manuscript–especially when you’re working at home, which is pretty much all of us right now. When you’re at home, you don’t have people looking over your

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How Shiny Objects Derail You Despite Your Best Intentions

One of the most basic, most quoted tenets of productivity, one engraved into our brains, is “avoid distractions”. Only, that isn’t taking it nearly far enough — something I (re)learned this week…finally. I don’t know about you, but when I read or hear a version of “avoid distractions”, I tend to slide over the statement

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