Zen Habits

The Top 8 Productivity Sites That Help Writers Write More in Surprising Ways

Indie writing is a peculiar profession.  We want to write more – always – but the roadblocks and self-sabotage we put ourselves through is unique.  General productivity sites don’t address our unique issues.  You must find sites like the excellent Prolifiko, run by Chris Smith and Bec Evans, to find productivity advice specific to writers.  […]

The Top 8 Productivity Sites That Help Writers Write More in Surprising Ways Read More »

Embrace the chaos of creativity.

A thought that coagulated amongst the craziness of building a new publishing business, while also building a website, while also taking nearly 200 books out of KU and re-releasing them with all booksellers…oh, and maintaining my writing and release schedule: Resist the need for a perfectly cleared off desk. Writing in the midst of chaos,

Embrace the chaos of creativity. Read More »

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