Master category for maintenance and site posts.

That Four-Letter Acronym.

Time for a bit of housekeeping.  I’ve apologized all over the place about GDPR-related messages, because my own in-boxed has been stuffed with them for the last few weeks and last week was particularly bad.  I’m forced to add to the blizzard, alas. Once the Regulation comes into force on Monday, I imagine there will […]

That Four-Letter Acronym. Read More »

Weekly Log – May 22, 2018

  Another steady week.  I’ve just realized that if I do settle into a productive rhythm, then these work log posts will become utterly boring. But that’s actually a good thing.  No drama, steady output–it’s what creativity feeds upon. Last week’s log: MONDAY 0 TUESDAY 0 WEDNESDAY 0 THURSDAY 0 FRIDAY 0 SATURDAY 6,048 I fought with

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Weekly Log – May 14, 2018

It was a nice, steady week. Last week’s log: MONDAY 8,599 TUESDAY 5,690 WEDNESDAY 6,327 THURSDAY 0 FRIDAY 0 SATURDAY 0 SUNDAY 0 I finished the book just before noon on Wednesday, so for the rest of the week I have been cleaning up that manuscript and plotting the next book.  The next book is

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Weekly Log – May 7, 2018

Last week, I promised to talk about an eye-opener.  Only, I’ve already shown my hand with Friday’s post. However, there’s more since then.  Last week’s log: MONDAY 8,320 TUESDAY 8,161 WEDNESDAY 9,905 THURSDAY 6,206 FRIDAY 8,652 SATURDAY 0 SUNDAY 2,065   My weekend got shanghaied by domestic concerns, so I was very pleased to get

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Weekly Log – April 17, 2018

As I hoped, I got a good word count down this week: MONDAY 8,095 TUESDAY 6,399 WEDNESDAY 5,338 THURSDAY 6,680 FRIDAY 8,489 SATURDAY 1,452 SUNDAY 0 Sunday sits at zero because I finished the book on Saturday and immediately rolled over into production and plotting the next book. This book ended up longer than I

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Weekly Log – April 10, 2018

Last week, I wrote 4,263 on the current book, and did a lot of production work, including writing all the interstitial material for the box set that has been suddenly dumped into the production schedule to make up for my lax ways. This coming week should see a heavy production of words on the current book,

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