This Is The New Normal

This Is The New Normal In April, 14 Million people in the USA applied for unemployment benefits.  Six million people applied for emergency assistance in Canada.  Around the world, the numbers of unemployed and those with reduced income are proportional to populations. Last week, my government spoke for the first time about the duration of

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A More Deadly Weapon Against Distractions

Just a quick post this week.  I’m getting back into the working groove and suddenly becoming (re)aware of the plethora of distractions that can lure you away from your manuscript–especially when you’re working at home, which is pretty much all of us right now. When you’re at home, you don’t have people looking over your

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Distractions Always Happen, and You Aren’t ‘Less Than’ Because of Them

  Words used to flow easily for me.  Not so much, these days. I — like you, I am sure — am struggling to get words down in a regular manner.  The puzzling thing for me was why am I struggling?  I’m not sick.  No one in my immediate family is sick (thanks to whoever

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Fast Does Not Equal Crap…but here’s what does.

Fast Does Not Equal Crap…but here’s what does. 2020 Edition.   I received yet another review the other day, marvelling at the high standard of writing, which surprised them, given how fast I write books (and they don’t know about the other pen name, either). I sighed and moved on…I thought. Only, my brain kept

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Why You Should Always Fight to Get Back to Your Routine When You’re Knocked Off It

“When jarred unavoidably by circumstance, revert at once to yourself and don’t lose the rhythm more than you help. You’ll have a better grasp of the harmony if you keep going back to it.” – Marcus Aurelius Have you ever been on a roll–everything is clicking along smoothly? You’re writing regularly and when you should,

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Do You Need Transition Time in Your Schedule?

  Last week I spoke at length about stashing your time–well, stashing anything you can, actually, as a hedge against the vagaries of the publishing industry. Stashing time is a matter of deliberately working ahead of your production schedule.  (And if you don’t have a production schedule–a timetable of releases–then you’re missing the backbone of

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