It’s World Backup Day

As today is World Backup Day, (yes, it’s really a thing) let’s talk about that. You only have to lose an entire book manuscript once, to learn to backup your data with multiple redundancies. Yes, I speak from experience.  I can tell you that there is nothing as sick-making as the jolt you get when

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How I Use Microsoft Publisher To Create Print Editions

  I recently received an email from an author who picked up on a passing reference of mine, and asked me to explain how I copy and paste my Word files into Publisher to produce print editions. I’ve created a video that walks you through the basic process: Resources mentioned: Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Office Suite

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Handling The Costs of Writing Lots of Books

When you write and release lots of books, the costs associated with publishing those books increases at the same scale…or does it? How do you handle the costs of writing and publishing lots of books? Economies of Scale. When you’re producing many books, there are economies of scale available to you that two-books-a-year authors can’t

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Write Short

  Last week I suggested writing short stories as a way of reaffirming your love of writing, having fun, and maybe creating saleable content as a happy bonus…plus also teaching yourself to write fast, and write lots. Over at Anne R. Allen’s blog, Anne has suggested in her post “The Attention Economy: Shorter“, that indie

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