Technology, Tools & AI

The Perfect Productivity System For You – 2022 Edition

This is an updated, reviewed edition of a post that first appeared on this site on February 16, 2018.  You can find the original post here. ____ When I hear of a new, complete productivity system, my gut clenches and I can feel my resistance kicking in. I have tried all the systems, over the […]

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One Productivity Strategy To Rule Them All

This is a reworked and revised version of a post that originally appeared on this blog on February 9th, 2018. It’s still relevant—even more so, in this distraction-filled suddenly-structure-free world we’re in. New Year’s Resolutions are complete crap. They simply do not work. But they’re very tempting. New year, fresh start, no stains on the

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When Your Daily Routines Aren’t There

With the coming lifting of COVID restrictions in our province, plus Canada Day family gatherings, the house cleaning that comes beforehand, month-end tasks, month-start tasks, and a whole lot of new health challenges and appointments that need to be scheduled, my daily routine of writing first thing in the morning, and leaving the afternoon for

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How Do You Know You’re in Flow?

You’ve probably heard before about writers reaching that sublime state of “flow” where nothing exists but the story they’re telling, and they feel a deep satisfaction when they’re done. But if you’ve never reached that state of flow yourself, you might not be sure about what it really means.  I can reach a state of

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A Big Bat for When You REALLY Need Help to Write

Quick.  Yes or no?  Have you ever had to wait for something exciting–a live concert, a movie, a favorite meal, a new purchase–say, a new piece of technology, or new clothes or a grown-up toy like a new car? Something that you really, really wanted, that you had to wait for, and while you were

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How to Reset and Recover from Life Rolls, Disasters, and Bouts of High Resistance

I found myself in the ER of my local hospital early last week.  It ended up that all the really scary possibilities hovering over me while I waited to see the doctors didn’t happen (and my lord, ERs in the middle of a pandemic are scary places!!).  What did happen was that I learned…I suspect

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Why You Might Want to Start Moving More

This is not a post to harangue you and make you feel guilty because you don’t exercise.  But it IS about exercise and movement, and some of the unexpected benefits for indie fiction authors.  I’ve ducked writing a post of this sort since I set up the Productive Indie Fiction Writer site, mainly because I’m

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What Your Daily Word Count Should Be

Michael Crichton is my hero.  I only just found out.  Here’s why: I get a lot of email from authors asking how many words a day they should be writing.  I confess that the question puzzles me and I’ve hedge and hummed and fumbled to find a useful answer because the real answer is:  “Whatever

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