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Ten Minutes Discounted For a Short Time

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Try Writing Two Stories At Once

Not in the same instance, of course.  But simultaneously across days or weeks. If you find it difficult getting just one story done, you’re probably thinking I’m crazy. A couple of weeks ago, I would have agreed with you. However, in the recent big shake up around here, my schedule also got shaken up to

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The Perfect Conditions to Write Don’t Exist

It feels like my creative brain invents a new way to ease me away from writing every time I identity the last super-sneaky version. I uncovered another mental habit keeping me from writing, the last few weeks, that you might be dealing with yourself. I’ve been deluged with administration stuff lately, with the work of

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How Really Long Writing Sessions Benefit Your Writing

Most of us are time crunched, and squeeze in 30 minute or one hour writing dashes one or more times a day, getting books written in increments. And this is absolutely a fantastic way to write in the cracks and margins of you day and still have a life. But. There are some serious side

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Why You Should Always Fight to Get Back to Your Routine When You’re Knocked Off It

“When jarred unavoidably by circumstance, revert at once to yourself and don’t lose the rhythm more than you help. You’ll have a better grasp of the harmony if you keep going back to it.” – Marcus Aurelius Have you ever been on a roll–everything is clicking along smoothly? You’re writing regularly and when you should,

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How to Never Run Out of Ideas — For Anything

  Part of being prolific is having a great many ideas for stories, from among which you can pick and choose what inspires you the most. Also part of writing quickly, is having plenty of resources at hand for ideas for characters and settings, story beats, personal ticks and characteristics, and much more. Quirky appearances,

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A Dash Of Inspiration for November

Following up on last week’s post, “How I Got Published, and What I Learned Along The Way“. I mentioned in that post that the book would be part of Kevin J. Anderson’s NaNoWriMo bundle for authors. The bundle is now available, and includes inspirational how-to books from a great many authors you’ll recognize:  Joanna Penn,

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