Catching up

How To Use Tiny Habits To Make Yourself Write, Every Single Time.

  As you can imagine, I read a lot of productivity books.  Every month, more of them pop up.  And over the last year or so I’ve noticed a trend in the common philosophy of many of them. It is the tiny habit approach to productivity.  And I can’t tell you how much that trend […]

How To Use Tiny Habits To Make Yourself Write, Every Single Time. Read More »

A More Deadly Weapon Against Distractions

Just a quick post this week.  I’m getting back into the working groove and suddenly becoming (re)aware of the plethora of distractions that can lure you away from your manuscript–especially when you’re working at home, which is pretty much all of us right now. When you’re at home, you don’t have people looking over your

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Distractions Always Happen, and You Aren’t ‘Less Than’ Because of Them

  Words used to flow easily for me.  Not so much, these days. I — like you, I am sure — am struggling to get words down in a regular manner.  The puzzling thing for me was why am I struggling?  I’m not sick.  No one in my immediate family is sick (thanks to whoever

Distractions Always Happen, and You Aren’t ‘Less Than’ Because of Them Read More »

Weekly Log – November 13 – Life, and all that…

  I suspected this might happen. This is the second week of “doing nothing”.  I’m actually doing a lot, but I’m not writing, as I achieved my huge writing goal two weeks ago–I’m free and clear until mid-January, when I returned to work on the next book. In the meantime, I’m catching up on production for

Weekly Log – November 13 – Life, and all that… Read More »

Weekly Log – November 6 – It’s Snowing!

Nothing new to report, this week.  I’m making large dents in my production backlog and my email posts and newsletters, which is exactly what I planned. Although I am experiencing more moments of “What if…?” so the symptoms from lack of writing are starting to show. t. .   Write More, Faster Than Ever Before–15 Lessons

Weekly Log – November 6 – It’s Snowing! Read More »

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