Author name: Tracy

Why “Indie”?

The short answer is, because traditional authors are so hamstrung by their contracts that writing anything more than their permitted one book a year is a waste of time. Of course, the reality is more nuanced than that. I have been traditionally published and know that world a little. On the other hand, I have […]

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Why “Productive”?

Why have “productive” in The Productive Indie Fiction Writer? There are a zillion productivity blogs, books, courses, support groups.  I know that because I follow an awful lot of them myself.  My library is jammed with productivity books and advice–some of which I even follow. In relationship to indie fiction writing, though, “productive” has a

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Weekly Log – December 5, 2017

I can’t begin this productivity experiment in earnest until after Christmas, because I was gung-ho and recklessly promised (to myself) to handmake as many Christmas gifts this year as possible. I’m on track to a 90% success rate, but the downside of artisanal gifts is that they take time. In other words, all my spare time

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Crazy? You Decide.

I’m in an ideas profession.  So are you.  Getting ideas is an every day occurence, so the arrival of a new idea is something we’ve got used to noticing and recording for later use, then getting on with our day. Except, a week ago, I got an idea that smacked me between the eyes and

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