Is The Indie Fiction Market Over-saturated?

A writer friend of mine asked me this question a few weeks ago, and I found myself answering in great detail.  Just in case you were wondering the same thing, here’s my (modified for public access) answer. —- Is the indie fiction market oversaturated?  If you look at the whole publishing industry as a monolithic

Is The Indie Fiction Market Over-saturated? Read More »

Deep Focus While You’re Writing (or Plotting!)

Only a short post this week as I’m seriously behind. Cal Newport has a long and interesting post about the use of ASMR in Immersive Single Tasking. (Along with a retro image of Bob Ross painting, which was what caught my attention in the first place.) Immersive Single Tasking is the new sexy in productivity,

Deep Focus While You’re Writing (or Plotting!) Read More »

How to Woo Cumulative Advantage

This post is a bit of an outlier, although it does have some relevance to productivity and prolificacy. I read Advantage: Harnessing Cumulative Advantage In The Winner Takes All Publishing Market in one sitting. It’s dense. It has charts and graphs and footnotes. It is not prescriptive (you have to deconstruct it carefully to figure

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Direct Sales Is a Tactic For the Productive Writer

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Direct Sales Is a Tactic For the Productive Writer Read More »

Ten Minutes Discounted For a Short Time

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