How to Never Run Out of Ideas — For Anything

  Part of being prolific is having a great many ideas for stories, from among which you can pick and choose what inspires you the most. Also part of writing quickly, is having plenty of resources at hand for ideas for characters and settings, story beats, personal ticks and characteristics, and much more. Quirky appearances, […]

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The Last Remaining Temptation Of Indie Authors

The indie publishing industry has provided for indie authors a great many of the benefits that were once the province of traditional publishing only. There is very little these days a traditional publisher can give an indie author that his indie career is not already providing in spades. In many respects, indie publishing imparts even

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You’re NOT Slow. (You’re Not Fast, Either).

I’ve been forcibly reminded, lately, of just how fast I write.  And just how fast everyone else writes. I’ve been spending some time mixing with real live writers (as opposed to hanging out on-line), and that is where the reminders have popped up.  The inevitable question that is raised, when mixing with writers, is “and

You’re NOT Slow. (You’re Not Fast, Either). Read More »

A Dash Of Inspiration for November

Following up on last week’s post, “How I Got Published, and What I Learned Along The Way“. I mentioned in that post that the book would be part of Kevin J. Anderson’s NaNoWriMo bundle for authors. The bundle is now available, and includes inspirational how-to books from a great many authors you’ll recognize:  Joanna Penn,

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How I Got Published, and What I Learned Along The Way

  Something a little bit different today. I was recently invited to join a how-to anthology scheduled to publish shortly before NaNoWriMo month, for this year’s entrants to take advantage of.  While the anthology was still in production, it was picked up by Kevin J. Anderson for his NaNoWriMo StoryBundle, and the release date advanced by

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Is Your Business Recession Proof? Some Prolific Strategies Which Will Help.

Just in the last few weeks, economists and financial experts have been throwing around the dreaded “R” word.  Recession. To be clear, they’re speaking of the USA heading toward a recession.  However, it doesn’t really matter where you sit on the globe, a recession in the USA tends to reach out and clobber a whole

Is Your Business Recession Proof? Some Prolific Strategies Which Will Help. Read More »

When Your Creativity Goes Stale.

There are very few drawbacks to indie publishing.  Challenges, certainly, but the independent author tends to thrive on challenges and prefer it that way.  Hard work aplenty, too. Downsides, not so much. Most of the “downsides” you see reported elsewhere, we consider positives:  Having no one else to rely upon but ourselves is a good

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