Index Card & Notepad Hacks To Keep You Focused

One of the most powerful techniques for increasing your word count is, simply, don’t click away. Avoid as much as you can alt+tabbing or clicking away from your manuscript.  Interruptions chew up time, throw you out of flow and have the potential to divert you completely away from your story. BUT Particularly when you first start

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Sick & Play Time

Quite a while ago, I sent out a Sunday email to the newsletter list, talking about incorporating sick & play time into your production schedule.  Unfortunately, that email has been lost because of a sudden move to a different email service provider, with no chance to recover archived emails. I’ve referred to sick & play

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How to Really Commit, and MAKE Yourself Write.

Do you have a fully developed Production Schedule, with release dates for the next year? Do you still find you’re skipping writing dates, and cramming an entire novel’s worth of writing into ten days before the deadline? Want to know a way around that? This was me up until a couple of weeks ago. The

How to Really Commit, and MAKE Yourself Write. Read More »

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