
What Does Being a Prolific Fiction Writer Really Mean?

What Does Being a Prolific Fiction Writer Really Mean? You might already be prolific. I’ve hammered out a definition for prolific indie fiction writers that doesn’t look quite like any other definition out there. As I talk about prolificacy a lot, I wanted to define it here, as there are a lot of misconceptions (and […]

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21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 3)

Continuing on from yesterday with the final seven reasons why you should write lots of fiction, as quickly as possible. 15.  You improve faster. I’ve actually seen this idea phrased as “fail faster”, but there’s really no such thing as “failure” in writing, unless failure is used as a euphemism for quitting.  There are books

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21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 2)

Continuing on from yesterday with the next seven reasons why you should write lots of fiction, as quickly as possible. 8.   One sucky book is not the end of your business. This is related to the previous two points. Sometimes, you have to cut your losses.  I have a few books like this.  I wandered

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21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 1)

If you’re not already a prolific fiction author, and the whole idea of writing multiple books a year seems like way too much work, keep reading. If you’re already a prolific author, you might not have thought of all of these advantages, and may not have deliberately applied them as strategies, either. I won’t open

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One More Reason To Be A Prolific Writer

One More Reason To Be A Prolific Writer And why this one will be critical in the future No matter what you write, writing a lot comes with benefits. Authors like Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush make excellent cases for writing quantities of non-fiction.  I’ve spent years and written dozens of posts exploring the benefits

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When Your Daily Routines Aren’t There

With the coming lifting of COVID restrictions in our province, plus Canada Day family gatherings, the house cleaning that comes beforehand, month-end tasks, month-start tasks, and a whole lot of new health challenges and appointments that need to be scheduled, my daily routine of writing first thing in the morning, and leaving the afternoon for

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How Do You Know You’re in Flow?

You’ve probably heard before about writers reaching that sublime state of “flow” where nothing exists but the story they’re telling, and they feel a deep satisfaction when they’re done. But if you’ve never reached that state of flow yourself, you might not be sure about what it really means.  I can reach a state of

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A Big Bat for When You REALLY Need Help to Write

Quick.  Yes or no?  Have you ever had to wait for something exciting–a live concert, a movie, a favorite meal, a new purchase–say, a new piece of technology, or new clothes or a grown-up toy like a new car? Something that you really, really wanted, that you had to wait for, and while you were

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