Chris Fox

A New Type of Sprint! — Graduated Word Sprints.

One of the most-visited posts on this site is “5 Types Of Writing Sprints – And Why You Need This Tool“, with “Tailor Writing Sprints to Maximize Flow” a close second, along with “Increasing Your Hourly Word Rate“. They all deal with word sprints. Word Sprints are exactly what they sound like. Writing at maximum […]

A New Type of Sprint! — Graduated Word Sprints. Read More »

What Your 2023 Business Year will Look Like…Maybe

In January, I generally like to post about goals for the coming year, goal-setting, and motivation. But I’ve come across a bunch of articles and reports lately that speculate on what 2023 and onward might look like for indie authors, and realized that goal setting is useless, if you don’t have a good idea of

What Your 2023 Business Year will Look Like…Maybe Read More »

21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 2)

Continuing on from yesterday with the next seven reasons why you should write lots of fiction, as quickly as possible. 8.   One sucky book is not the end of your business. This is related to the previous two points. Sometimes, you have to cut your losses.  I have a few books like this.  I wandered

21 Reasons Why You Should Write Lots of Fiction Quickly. (Part 2) Read More »

The Last Remaining Temptation Of Indie Authors

The indie publishing industry has provided for indie authors a great many of the benefits that were once the province of traditional publishing only. There is very little these days a traditional publisher can give an indie author that his indie career is not already providing in spades. In many respects, indie publishing imparts even

The Last Remaining Temptation Of Indie Authors Read More »

20 Tips to Become Super-Prolific

Whole books have been written and courses have been taught on the art and science of prolificacy.  A short post on the essentials can only skim the surface, but each step will offer an entry point to further reading for you (and writing for me). Like fractals, productivity + writing is endlessly complex.  There’s always

20 Tips to Become Super-Prolific Read More »

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