I presume that everyone who reads PIFW posts is a writer of fiction and, therefore, you would be interested in a new anthology calling for submissions. Ignore that the publishing company is mine, if you need to. 🙂

Thriller Digest 2021
In The Nick Of Time
Call for Submissions
Edited by Mark Posey
Stories Rule Press is now seeking submissions for Thriller Digest 2021, our upcoming commercial fiction anthology to be published in April 2021, to be titled In the Nick of Time.
The theme is “a ticking clock” and the story should conform to thriller genre expectations. We are looking for stories that explore the theme from all angles within the suspense thriller genre. If the story doesn’t have us on the edge of our seat reading it, it won’t work for us.
Submissions should be new, original work (no reprints).
Theme: A Ticking Clock.
Deadline: March 15, 2021
Length: 5,000 – 10,000 words
Pay: revenue share
Payment is by revenue share. We are asking for six months exclusivity. After the initial six months have passed, you are free to place the story elsewhere.
Authors will be paid via PayPal and will need to set up a Paypal account, if they don’t already have one.
A short contract will be signed between SRP and each author appearing in the anthology.
The success of revenue share projects lies in the authors’ cross-promotions to their readers, and social networks. Authors will be provided marketing materials and will be expected to contribute to the launch promotions. Plans and guidelines will be provided.
Who should submit
We are looking for authors who have a track record in publishing suspense fiction, either via traditional markets or indie published, and can bring an active readership to the table. Newer authors with only one or two titles are welcome to submit. We are looking for a mix of new and seasoned pros.
How to Submit
Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2021
Send your manuscript as a Microsoft Word attachment. Manuscript should be formatted according to the standard modern manuscript format (details here). Manuscripts that are not formatted correctly will be rejected.
In your covering email, please provide:
- A short (200 words approximately) bio.
- The URL for your author website.
- The email address you use for your PayPal account.
Send all submissions to Editor@StoriesRulePress.com.
Submissions sent after the close date which have not been previously discussed with SRP will not be considered or responded to.
Other calls for submission.
Stories Rule Press will be publishing anthologies in a range of genres, as well as more in this genre. If this call for submission does not suit you, consider subscribing to Stories Rule Press’s submission notification list, and we will send you an email whenever a new call for submissions is posted.
Subscribe to the list here.
Please pass the link on to writers and groups who would be interested in submitting!