The “living well” part of the productive equation means that sometimes, you have to put aside writing in order to pay attention to important other stuff.
That was my week, last week.
My husband and I share the same birthday, which also happens to be the date we met and the date we got married (a year later).
Every Saturday closest to February 22nd, we hold our only party of the year, and invite everyone we know. It’s a chance to catch up with people we often don’t see at all during the year.
As we’re both in the indie business, our house can go without attention for weeks at a time. So the last half of this week was devoted to cleaning the house from top to bottom, concentrating on the public areas, and shovelling six inches of snow and salting and then shovelling again to make the paths safe for visitors, and various other party preparations.
Included in that preparation was getting blog posts written ahead of time, so I could move through the weekend without panicking about missing posts.
So my writing week went like this:
MONDAY 6,208 words
TUESDAY 3,256 words
…and party prep for the rest of the week, and party and family and couple activities over the weekend.
I wasn’t too worried about the hit in word counts because the previous week was a stellar week.
I also planned to catch up. I have actually scheduled my word counts for this coming week, which includes Sunday (as I am writing this ahead of time):
Sunday, February 25, 2018 3,000 words
Monday, February 26, 2018 8,000
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8,000
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 6,000
Thursday, March 1, 2018 8,000
Friday, March 2, 2018 8,000
Saturday, March 3, 2018 6,000
Sunday, March 4, 2018 6,000
This adjusted schedule include 1K or 2K words extra each day, except Wednesday, and a high word count for the weekend coming up. By Sunday, I should have the book finished, which is only one day after I’m supposed to start the next one.
That’s a liveable schedule. None of these daily word counts scare me, so I know I can do it.
The coming week, with the extra word count, will preclude doing any work on the thrillers, but that’s life with a demanding day job. I’ll get back to them, and there’s no real deadline on them as there is for the books I do during the week.
If the book runs longer than I’m expecting, which is always possible as it is the second last in the series and there is some finale setting up to do, I will catch up again with the next book.
Until then, back to work, all of us.
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