5,998 words last week.
Most of the week was taken up with plotting the next book, but not ALL of it. Tuesdays are still problematic because of shopping. I really think I may have to re-think how Tuesdays work. Maybe, treat them as a “weekend”, and use Saturday as a workday instead. Something.
Also, over the weekend, when I was supposed to be writing, I had laborers tromping around on the roof of the house, replacing shingles. Each bag of new shingles weighs 80lbs and when they’re dropped onto the roof, they make the house shudder. But the roof looks pretty! (Shame about the rest of the house!).
Add in a family birthday party on Saturday, and I didn’t get a lot of writing done on the weekend.
Have to catch up this week. And ahhhh! the house is quiet!