Total for the week: 12,735 words.
Finished Book #3 for 2021 early, and ended up needing the time, because the new laptop for which I’d been saving up for months finally arrived. And of course, nothing is straight forward with new tech. I could not get email to work for love nor money and after sweating it out for two days, ended up ditching Microsoft Outlook and transferring over to Gmail.
Gmail is also a compromise for a number of reasons, but the major headaches Outlook presented forced me to jump. (It simply wouldn’t open. Said my email account didn’t exist. And I’m sorry, but I’ve been using Outlook since the early 1990s. I know how to set up my email accounts!)
Gmail at least works, and it synchronizes flawlessly across all devices because it’s web-based. I suspect web-based is the way of the future. More and more of my work is done via a web browser, these days.
Next week is the first of the month, which is when three major chores chew up nearly a day and a half, so I will need to be nimble about staying on schedule….