Even More Oh No!

The image, I’m afraid, is not a metaphor.

Yesterday, full of energy and determination, I headed out into the garden to cut a new bed for our veggies this year. Forty minutes later, I found myself flat on my back, with my arm screaming at me.

I had fallen, and tried to save myself with my right arm. Of course it was my right arm.

Many hours later, I walked out of the ER with my arm splinted, courtesy of a hairline fracture above my elbow.

Today I was supposed to do a post for the site, but honestly, I’m a bit woozy on painkillers, and have been fighting all day to get dictation software to work. I used to use it many years ago, and dusted it off this morning, but there are lots of little things I used to do on the keyboard even while dictating, that I can’t do with my arm in a sling.

So I’m very tired, and going very slow, so I’m going to bail on this week’s post, with the expectation that I will get much faster at one-handed keyboard operations, and by next week will be able to give you a proper post.

Take care out there!

Write More, Faster Than Ever Before

Are You Prolific?

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