This week’s log:
Monday: 4,789 Words
Tuesday: 7,533 Words
Wednesday: 8,213 Words
Thursday: 9,268 Words
Friday: 3,950 Words
For a total of 33,753 words for the week.
For the first time in many years, I’m writing outside my comfortable, well-known genre. The genre I’m used to (romance) fits like a well-worn slipper. I wrote the last romance book in six days.
I overlooked that comfort level and familiarity when I planned the current book’s detailed writing schedule (for more on detailed and precise schedules, see here). As a consequence, I’m behind–*if* you look at my day-to-day schedule. I’m still on track for the overall deadlines.
I actually don’t feel bad about that. Nor am I worrying about catching up, or flailing myself for getting behind, because I’m actually putting my butt in the chair and my fingers to the keyboard for the same number of hours I do for romance novels. I’m just not writing the words as fast as I do for romance. It’s not a matter of discipline. So I’m taking it easy on myself, and letting the book take as long as it needs to.
When I’m done, I’ll have a benchmark for the next time I schedule a book in this genre, and will plan accordingly.
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