I’m holding a series of one-off Mastermind-styled meetings on Zoom throughout January & February. These will be structured meetings with a maximum of five people. Each author in their turn will explain what problem(s) they want to solve, or what goals they want to reach this year, and the group will help figure out possible solutions and paths to reach those goals.
I will direct the meetings and provide my experienced opinion and suggestions. I am a prolific author and blogger, and generally write one million words a year. I’ve been traditionally published (35 books) and am now 100% indie published. I’ve been published since 1999, and writing full time since 2015. I’ve written and released nearly 200 books under three pen names. I manage seven websites, and write the content for most of them, including here at The Productive Indie Fiction Writer. At Stories Rule Press, I sell my books directly to readers, plus edit and publish commercial fiction anthologies.
I have a lot of experience with maximizing my time and how to organize myself so I can write as much as possible. If you have an issue that needs solving, or just need a general boost, it’s likely I can help.
A place at the meeting costs $25 USD, payable via PayPal. Email me at for a meeting schedule and to book your spot, or if you have general questions. I will let meetings with two or more authors go ahead, but will cancel meetings with only one and find you another meeting.
And please pass this on to authors you know who might be struggling to get their mojo back after a hard couple of years and need a shot in the arm.